Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Liv Dolls

For my seventh birthday I got a Liv doll. Her name is Daniella. A Liv doll is rather like a Barbie, but her arms and legs have joints, and their hair comes off.

I liked Daniella, and I liked Liv dolls. Sophie liked Liv dolls too, and she wanted to have one. I wanted another one. So we decided to save all our money to buy them.

Every week we saved our pocket money, until we had enough to buy the dolls. Then Mum and Dad took us to the shops to get them.

We already knew which dolls we wanted so it didn't take us long to find them. We bought them ourselves without any help.

When we got home the new dolls met Daniella. She was very happy to meet them. They love playing together.

My new doll's name is Alexis.

Sophie's new doll's name is Sophie. Isn't that funny?

We want to buy more Liv dolls. We would also like to buy special hair.


Sue Elvis said...

I love the photos and you did so well saving your pocket money for three months. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gemma-Rose.
How much money is a liv doll.

From Melanie xo xo

Anonymous said...

Hi Gemma-Rose.
I love liv dolls but I don't have one.
I will save up my pocket money for it.

From Melanie xo xo